Wednesday, July 29, 2020

All Aboard

Once Sora returned from scouting the Sea Star the party drew up plans to board the vessel and rescue the Jarl. In the crowded dockside market the party noticed they had acquired a tail. The party split up to see who the brigands followed. Sora, Galanda, and Marlo ventured to the Scholar's District to seek out goods and supplies for the attack. Upon returning to Tormund and Trestin the others confirmed that the party was being watched. After drawing their attackers out into the back passages of the labyrinthine docks, the party sprung an ambush on their attacker, defeating them deftly. Questioning one of the survivors the party determined that the ship seemed lightly crewed and so the party decided to storm the ship. After fighting their way through the crew, the party discovered their old nemesis Alban Prewdact was laying in wait for them onboard. 

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