Quest Log

Quests in Progress:
  • Humbert Humbert has been granted lands and a keep in the eastern edge of the kingdom. The party will need to assist Humbert in establishing the duke's peace in the county and building an economic base. So so far the Jarls of Ranga and Myrr are on side...
  • The White hand suffered a setback with the loss of Alban Prewdact, but their sinister plots continue to sow discord in the realm and frustrate our party at every step. 
  • While heading north-east towards Humbert's new castle the party seemed to find that the cold of winter has not given way to spring in these parts. Speaking to the trees, Sora discovered that cold winds have continued to blow from the northeast, preventing the turning of the seasons and choking the forest. Sora promised the forest that she would find the source of the cold and put a stop to it. After trekking up the mountain to the high places the party has learned of the existence of an entity called the Ice Queen who may be the source of the mysterious cold. The spirits told the party that she can be found at the center of the cold to the north.  

Quest Leads:
  • The party happened upon a mysterious lighthouse that appears on a hill overlooking the goblin nest in the abandoned mine to the southwest. The lighthouse appears to phase in and out of the material plane based on a lunar cycle. The being who appears in the silver mirror seems to be connected to the tower. 
  • Emeline Twoorb, a local peasant girl in Lower Benneth, secretly entreated Tormund to find and free her brother, who has been wrongly imprisoned by the Duke. She claims the duke is an evil and terrible tyrant and she fears for her brother's life. 
  • In the abandoned temple of Vecna in the northeastern woods near Fort Kick-Ass, the last high-priestess Burgarda was funding the Ironbeard clan in a war against local pirates that were settling the bay on the southern edge of the dwarven mountains on the northern continent. In exchange for their support, the monastery was receiving a mysterious substance of great value, which they were attempting to research and replicate. 
  • Duke Reinhaart is seeking to make diplomatic contact with other independent kingdoms.
  • The party has fallen offside of the Mystic Order of Frinkshaw. Perhaps there is something they can do to get back into their good graces.
  • The party has attracted the attention of the White Hand, a group of rebels who are fighting to rid the kingdom of the Duke's vampire aristocracy. 
  • While exploring the ruins of the new castle Humbertia, the party stumbles across a great vault in one of the lower levels of the castle sealed by mystical forces. 
  • While exploring the ruins of the mountain where The High Places are found, the party discovers ruins of an ancient dwarves society that was wiped out from a war with the Wood Elves of Oym'Edhil. There seems to be more to the story...
  • While exploring the mountains around Myrr the party came across a camp of bandits that were slain set upon by a lone warrior. Their equipment, goods, and money lay undisturbed, leading the party to question the motives of this lone warrior.

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