Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Showdown with the Captain

Once back at street level the party prowled their way through the streets towards the sealed gate. After carefully taking out the guards at the periphery of the gatehouse, the defenders eventually became aware of the attack and the battle devolved into a desperate attempt to open the gate before help could be summoned. With some quick thinking and savage intent, the heroes managed to spring open the gate, allowing Illana's force of wood elves to pour into the 2nd district and give battle to the town guard and baku thugs.

With the elves lifting the siege of Lady Tyrell's manse the party set off to attack the magic siege engine that was threatening the estate. The party arrived to find Captain Alban Prewdact at the bottom of the tower, enraged at the failure of his plan. The party split up to attack and destroy the machine while the balance tried to fend off the Vampire as long as possible. Sora and Dae battled their way up the tower and eventually destroyed the device before returning downstairs to join the fight with Prewact. A desperate battle with the vampire ensued in the streets, with the party eventually overcoming the insane captain who is forced to flee but not before swearing vengeance. Exhausted by the battle, the party then regrouped with Lady Tyrell and rested.

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