Monday, June 25, 2018

A Dark Dinner and Dockside Delving

After a good day’s rest, the party visited the workshop of the famous blacksmith Daquan Melling who revealed that the dagger was ordered by one Favian deMawbray, a member of the guild of teamsters and longshoremen. That evening lady Tyrell hosted a dinner party where the heroes got a chance to meet some of the great and the good in the city. At the head table the conversation got heated at several points, boiling over when a dispute erupted between Favian and Master Commonbrook, member of the honourable guild of mercers, over some lost merchandise. The party chimed in trying to goad Favian into rashness and also ran afoul of the captain of the guard Allen Prewdact, who himself exchanged threats with Lord Terrowin Lorneheart, the Archmage of the Mystic Order of Frinchshaw. As the tension came to a point, Favian left the event in frustration.

After the dinner the heroes went to investigate the Sultry Siren based on the lead they received from the imprisoned thug. After splitting up and investigating different areas of the tavern, the group discovered that the tavern has a secret lower level where Favian was located, conducting some suspicious business. After a quick scrap in the back room, the party started down the stairs into the underbelly of the Siren. 

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Arrival in Appellane

At the urging of Sora and Tormund, the party decided it was best to investigate Alvroelle's meeting, both in the interest of retaking Oym Edhil from the orcs, but also as a force multiplier to gain access to the teleportation circle. Through Alvorelle's mysterious magic, the group was able to travel  undisturbed overland and make excellent time to the border city of Appellane.

Upon their arrival, the party was disconcerted not only with the imposing fortification of the vast city but also the numerous monstrous undesirables inhabiting the suburban camps around the walls and the 5th and 4th districts. Unbeknownst to his companions, Gallendan has a close cousin in the city by the name of Lady Tyrell - a famous and prosperous merchant located in the posh 2nd district of Appellane. While making their way through the city, the party detected that they were being watched and followed through the crowded streets by a posse of greenskins. After an ill-fated attempt at stealth and misdirection, the party ended up being confronted in a busy marketplace by a mob of orc and half-orc thugs being led by three human mercenaries. The combined might of the party proved too much for the assailants, who were overwhelmed and largely cut to shreds before attempting to flee. Tormund was able to catch one of the fleeing mercenaries with the broad side of his blade, knocking him unconscious for later questioning. A large squad of city guards arrived just moments after the fight, enquiring after the bloody disturbance, but Gallandan deftly put the sergeant under his spell and persuaded him to escort the party to Lady Tyrell's manor.

The heroes arrived at Lady Tyrell's manor house in the evening, where she received them and settled into a quiet evening by the fire. On a late night scouting sortie, Sora discovered a suspicious half-orc messenger observing the manor house, though he was gone by sunrise. The next morning the party took breakfast with Kraldohr Swifkind (dwarf) and Rochester Burtone (human), Lady Tyrell's old traveling companions who were in for a visit. Lady Tyrell warned them that she was scheduled to host a high-society ball in the evening, inviting the party to join at their own peril. After breakfast the party questioned the captive mercenary, who told the heroes about their pay arrangements at a seedy dockside venue after a spirited beating administered by Tormund. Lady Tyrell's spies were able to identify the maker's mark on an exotic dagger the mercenary had with him, pointing towards Daquan Melling, a famous blacksmith in the 3rd district.

Sunday, June 3, 2018

Fruit of an Odd Tree

After a thoroughly degenerate night at the Golden Piss Pot, the party departed Fort Crusher towards the south-east, continuing on their way to Oym Edhil. As the journey progressed the weather began to turn, and the party sought shelter in an alcove among a cliff face along their route, hoping to shelter from the chill air. As dusk settled the party was attacked by a band of Baku agents descending on them from the cliffs to take them by surprise. The party managed to spot them in time and fought them off easily, capturing two for questioning. It was revealed that there was a Baku spy the name of Peg-Leg at Fort Crusher who had overheard them talk about the book and sent assailants after them to investigate. Sora sent a bird back to Crusher with a note to expose the agent.

The next day the party saw from a vantage point that an unknown force was combing through the woods presumably looking for them. The heroes fled deeper into the woods hoping to evade a confrontation, and eventually ran into a giant hostile tree creature. After a desperate battle, the heroes eventually slew the tree creature and freed Alvorelle Loraqen, the wood elf they had helped earlier, who had been captured by the tree. After thanking the party, Alvorelle invited them to join her on her way to the border city of Appelane, where other survivors of Oym Edhil gather to plan the recapture of the city.