Monday, April 23, 2018

Safeguarding the Book

After narrowly escaping the pursuing orc army in the Temple of Vecna, the party decided to strike out to the north-east, towards the Blackrock citadel hoping to get the duke's council in deciding how to safeguard the book. Wary of the book's influence, Tormund decides to take on the burden of carrying the cursed volume, having proven able to resist its influence. His instincts prove to be correct as his companions are increasingly interested in opening the book to learn of its secrets, urged on by Gillendan's endorsement of its wonder.

In the night the party gets attacked by a host of undead monsters. Adding to the confusion of the midnight attack, the book glamours various party members, disorganizing their effort to mount a counterattack. The party narrowly survives the encounter, deciding to move on and make camp in a cave further towards their destination. As the party settles down for the night, an uncomfortable tension comes up as the subject of the book is raised again and again. Following his instincts, Tormund takes off in the middle of the night with the book in order to keep it safe from the other party members. Alone, he makes all haste to the citadel where he holds up in the duke's bedroom while the duchess leaves to find the duke.